Make 10x more

just by talking

Scribal turns your rambling thoughts into clear content. All you need to do is record.


Product picture

"I write like I talk and I don’t get talker's block."

- Seth Godin

Record your mind

Record your mind

Think out loud and catch your ideas at any time. Just think about the content and Scribal will do the rest.

Get a note

Get your note

Scribal makes sense of the clutter in your head. Now you have a clean text to share or to keep for yourself.

Overcome the blank page

Overcome the
blank page

Talk about your story, your day, your life. The personal space where you can be creative just by talking.

Upcoming features
you will love

Turn notes into a blog

Scribal allows you to create a blog easily and reach a wider audience.

Writing library

Choose the note format that suits your needs.

Talk to your notes

Have conversations with your notes, ask questions, and chat with your past self using Scribal.

Share your notes everywhere

Share your ideas on social media directly from Scribal.

Choose the plan that best
suits your needs.

30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.

Lifetime Deal

Scribal, your support at note-taking.

Use cases


Free Thinking

Action plan

Short Post



Blog Post

Create your personal space and be inspired by your thoughts.

5 notes for free.